I just got back from my 20 week ultrasound scan. (I'm five months today, woohoo!)
In addition to wanting to know that the baby is developing on target anatomically, we really wanted to get an idea of the baby's sex. This baby is darn prankster.
For 45 minutes, the baby would not open their legs to give us a peek. The tech could not tell for sure whether we're having a boy or girl but she's leaning more towards the baby being a girl because she couldn't detect any sign of a little nub peeking between the legs. But she stressed that she is really guessing based on what she saw, which isn't a lot.
I don't know if my doctor will order another scan but if she doesn't we will never know until birth. What a practical joker. All through the night he/she constantly kicks and turns and somersaults all over my stomach but when it comes time to give mommy a clue it stays still. Ugh!
Oh baby, you are just like your dad. All about the jokes.
During your ultrasound did you have trouble finding out the sex of the baby?
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