Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Little Thought: Be Blessed, Not Just Lucky

I recently got into a relationship with this really cute girl. And though I could tell you how it happened, I won't do it now.  What I actually thought was important enough to share with all of you is one of the many things I've learned from my girlfriend in the short time we have been together.

I know that all I have can be attributed to God, that I'm nothing without him, but my language doesn't always reflect that.

She always corrects me when I declare that I am lucky. She reminds me that I'm not simply lucky - I'm blessed.

Like I said, my language doesn't always reflect God's presence in my life.  It's as if I'm saying that the good things in my life were from random chance and circumstance.

After being corrected a couple of times, the why behind the correction began to bug me.  I began to make a conscious effort to have all of my being reflect God - and I started to make sure to say that I'm blessed.  And I have been.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I've had some huge, earth-shattering experience, but I will tell you this: it is important that, in everything we do, we reflect the awesomeness that is God.

If someone who wasn't Christian heard me talking about how lucky I am, I would have lost an opportunity to be a light of Christ to the world.  Little things always add up and turn into bigger things.  If I go around instead saying how I'm so blessed, I'm at least pointing at God.

Everything we do should point to what Jesus has (and continues to) done in our lives.  Unfortunately, I am also a human being, so I do a lot of stupid stuff that points to nothing.  I have not given up hope that God is working in me and through me --  and you shouldn't either.

Do you consider yourself as being lucky or blessed? Apart from acknowledging God's blessings, how else can we demonstrate our God's work?

View the original article here

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